Bethsaida Cemetery


600S 770W

Cicero Twp., Tipton Co.


My wife, Terri, and I visited Bethsaida the Saturday before Memorial Day. This was the first time she had ever asked to accompany me to a cemetery. I thought  she wanted to help. She didn't. Her reasoning was sound enough though. No one should prowl around an old cemetery alone - large markers can topple, holes for tripping abound and then there is the occasional snake (see Pleasant Hill).

Somewhere in the car Terri found an American flag and placed it on the grave of Joseph Innis, Civil War veteran. Joseph died October 14, 1862 in St. Louis according to military records. His stone reads October 4th however.

Rows are numbered from west to east and stones north to south.

Alphabetical Listing:


Last Updated: June 24, 2014 

This information is provided for non-commerical use only and may contain inaccuracies.
All photographs are copyrighted by Gae Matchette/Robert Kincaid and may be used for personal use only.
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Terri with her Kindle